Wild Geese Response (12/1/15) Here, everyone belongs, no matter how lonely. No one is intentionally left out, but never try to back out of kitchen duty because somebody (most likely Camille) will find out you're not doing the dishes. The lights in the house are bright, seldom replaced and seldom remembered to be flicked off. There are more bodies than beds and more blankets than legs. The tree in the living room is a colorful pine , dozens of candles shimmer bright in the dull window in the dining room , and there isn't a lot of food in the kitchen fridge , all the holidays addressed . Pots and pans bang as Camille decides to make dinner again, more paint and ink finds itself on the surface of the kitchen table due to Henry and Willem and dirt is streaked in patterns by all doors that lead outside because Alice and Lee don't know how to clean up after themselves. But all that's okay It's not like their parents ever imagined living in a mansion, with immaculate fl...