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Books of 2017: What to Expect in YA Fiction

Now let's take a visit to the future . . . of books! In this post, I'm going to list a few of my most anticipated books of 2017 (in no particular order), and you might find something that catches your eye too! Here goes:

Image result for strange the dreamer cover1. Strange the Dreamer - Laini Taylor
Expected publication: March 28th, 2017
Quick summary: Basically, the dream choses the dreamer and not the other way around so when Lazlo Strange dreamt of the "mythic lost town" of Weep, he has to jump at the chance of discovering why this town because mythical and lost.
I am excited for a number of reasons. First of all, I've not read Laini Taylor's works, but I did read her little story in My True Love Gave to Me (Twelve Holiday Stories that I totally recommend for those who love amazing holiday stories), titled "The Girl Who Woke the Dreamer" and it is such a good story. I loved the concept, and I like this concept as well, but it was also well-written so I'm excited to read this book. My other few reasons are, of course, that cover. How could you not be drawn in? And lastly, it's different. I mean, have you heard of a concept like that? Dreams choosing dreamers? I read a lot of YA, and this is the first time I've encountered it, so let's see how it goes! Look out for Strange the Dreamer in late March.

Image result for a million junes cover2. A Million Junes - Emily Henry
Expected publication: May 16th, 2017
Quick summary: Romeo and Juliet meets One Hundred Years of Solitude, or at least that's how this book is "pegged," Emily Henry's second novel is about a girl named June whose family has a century-long rift with Saul's family and she doesn't know why, and when Saul comes back to town after a mysterious absence, she's drawn to him and figuring out what happened in the past.
Emily Henry is amazing, no doubt about it. Yes, this book reminds me a bit about The Weight of Feathers by Anna-Marie McLemore, but I know she'll surprise everyone with this book just as much as she did with her debut. If you read through past posts, I think I gush over The Love That Split the World, as does every sane person who's read it. So yes, I'm excited to see what Emily Henry to spin the Romeo and Juliet story a bit, as it has been spun before, but now Emily has her hands on it so who know! I'm ready to find out, and you bet I'll be hitting B&N in May.

Image result for carve the mark cover3. Carve the Mark - Veronica Roth
Expected publication: January 17th, 2017 . . . oh hey! It's already out!
Quick summary: In another super scary sounding society from Veronica Roth, everyone develops a currentgift, and main characters Cyra and Akos have currentgifts that people find incredibly easy to exploit, so when they are thrust together they must decide to help each other or they may pay with their lives.
I was drawn to Veronica Roth, because the Divergent movie was coming out and I didn't want to be the only one who didn't see the movie but I had to read the book first and I'm glad I did! It's amazing, and the world is amazing, and Veronica developed this story in college, namely Northwestern University, which is where I want to go to college. Veronica is my celebrity role model because she went to Northwestern and made it as an author, just like I want to. So of course I'm going to read this book, because it sounds fun and adventurous and fresh! I guess I'm a little late in getting it, but never fear: I'll get to BN soon.

Image result for lord of shadows cover4. Lord of Shadows - Cassandra Clare
Expected publication: May 23rd, 2017
Quick summary: (*contains spoilers from Lady Midnight!*) Emma has avenged her parents, but she's not at peace, considering everything that's going wrong between her and her parabatai Julian, and the trouble stirring with the Seelie and Unseelie Courts over Mark. They have to figure this out soon, though, or lose everything. (Okay, that wasn't as spoilery as I thought . . .)
I'm a bee to honey when it comes to Cassandra Clare books, and yes, it's because of the strong female characters and the swoon-worthy male ones, but I really like the Shadow world. It's a fantasy world that's not fantasy because it's tied with real-day New York City or Los Angeles or tied with 19th century London. I've read off of Cassandra's books and I'm not going to miss this one! What's going to happen between Emma and Julian? I need to know! Hopefully Ms. Clare will share with us in May!

Image result for traitor to the throne cover5. Traitor to the Throne - Alwyn Hamilton
Expected publication: March 7th, 2017
Quick summary: Gunslinger Amani fled her hometown with Jin and now she's been thrust into the epicenter of the regime: the Sultan's palace. She's determined to find out all his secrets, but when Jin leaves her and she uncovers more about the Sultan, she's starting to wonder if the Sultan's really the villain they're looking for. If it's not the Sultan, then who's the real traitor to the throne?
I remember Alwyn Hamilton came to my school and spoke to a group of kids, myself included, about her book, and I don't know why, but I was drawn so I bought it and it has been amazing. I'm not really a fantasy/dystopian fan (might not seem like it, considering all the books above, how ironic is that, huh?) but this book has definitely drawn me to the genre and I can't wait to see how this series pans out. It looks super interesting and the setting is so different (at least I think it is, based on my limited fantasy/dystopian experience), and I'll find myself at the familiar setting of Barnes and Noble when this comes out in March.

There you are! 5 of my most anticipated books of 2017. Of course, there's more, but these were the ones that I believed would be most eye-catching. Of course, for the last two, I recommend you read all the previously published books (So Rebel of the Sands for Traitor to the Throne and City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls, City of Heavenly Fire, Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Princess, The Shadowhunter Codex, The Bane Chronicles, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, and last Lady Midnight and yes, that is my recommended order, for Lord of Shadows - whew, that's a long list). Shout out to my sister, who's birthday is today, and who I'm going to try to convince to read Carve the Mark. I hope you take a few seconds to look at the amazing authors, whose sites I've linked to their names, and their equally awesome books and maybe you'll find your next anticipated book of 2017! Thanks for reading.


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