Here's are the good, the bad and the ugliest books of 2016. THE GOOD: I read a grand total of 42 books this semester! Yay! And they were all good, for the most part. I'm not a super harsh critic on books (except for the ones that I really hate), but I like to think about this: books are entertainment and they are meant to make me happy. If they made me happy, then they did their job. I think all of the books this semester did that to some extent. I'll list a few of my favorites from this semester. This Adventure Ends by Emma Mills was such a fun read. The story follows Sloane, who just moved from New York to Florida, as she finds friends and then finds a reason to show them just how hard she'd fight for them. It takes her on an adventure to find something that her friends lost, and Sloane takes it upon herself to track it down, even if it takes her out of state. I really love this book because I loved the characters and how the adventure developed while Sloane di...